

Lifetime score: 130691
Leaderboard position
Rank Username Points
1 vladlod 263790
2 ArlingRiese 253153
3 Miguelit086 250663
4 ticehouse 237767
5 dave 227378
6 auno 216257
7 Chris 130691
8 Frank S. 128848
9 barnhelm42 103533
10 adamaniol 91910
Best challenge guesses         Your top 10 guesses
Rank Picture Points Distance
1 I'm still standing 1000 0 m
2 Very blue building 1000 0 m
3 Fountain with statues 1000 1 m
4 An interesting building on the riverfront 1000 1 m
5 Spikey tower 1000 1 m
6 Wobbly house 1000 1 m
7 Pretty church 1000 1 m
8 Tiled house with Arabic writing 1000 1 m
9 House by Lily Pond 1000 1 m
10 Keep smiling 1000 1 m
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 World first 1000 point guesses